Monday, 27 September 2021

Current Affairs, 27-September-2021


किस राज्य की सोजत मेहंदी को जीआई टैग मिला है     -----    राजस्थान

किस राज्य के कुकुम्बर को GI टैग प्राप्त हुआ है     ------    नागालैंड के

सेना की पश्चिमी कमान का नया कमांडर किसे नियुक्त किया गया है     -----    के खंडूरी को

भारत का सबसे बड़ा पामेटम कहां बनाया गया है     -----    उत्तराखंड के हल्द्वानी में

पामेटम क्या है     -----    पाम की खेती करने का स्थान 

भारत और किस देश में हाइड्रोजन और जैव ईंधन पर टास्क फोर्स का शुभारंभ किया है     -----    अमेरिका

किस राज्य के टिहरी बांध को पहली बार पूरी क्षमता प्राप्त हुई है     -----    उत्तराखंड

कौन सा राज्य सरकार उपराष्ट्रपति को सर्वोच्च नागरिक पुरस्कार से सम्मानित करेगी     -----    असम

अनुराग ठाकुर ने किस राज्य में दूरदर्शन और आकाशवाणी के लिए ट्रांसमीटर संचालन का आरंभ किया है     ------    लद्दाख

किस राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री ने बच्चों के लिए डिजिटल नशा मुक्ति केंद्र खोलने की घोषणा की    -----     केरल

"द बैटल ऑफ रेजांग लॉ" किसकी बुक है     -----    कुलप्रीत यादव

एशियामनी द्वारा किए गए सर्वे में मोस्ट आउटस्टैंडिंग कंपनी इन इंडिया किसे चुना गया है    -----    HDFC बैंक को

Saturday, 25 September 2021

Current Affairs, 25-September-2021


According to the UN Food Agency, in which country 16 million people are heading towards starvation ----- Yemen

A crater at the south pole of the Moon has been named ----- Matthew Henson

Matthew Henson explores ----- Antarctic

Which organization has named a crater at the South Pole of the Moon after Antarctic explorer Matthew Henson ------ International Astronomical Union

When was the International Astronomical Union established ----- 1919

Where is the headquarters of International Astronomical Union ----- Paris, France

Who is the current President of International Astronomical Union----- Evin van Dishoek

Garden Brown has been appointed as the Ambassador of WHO for Global Health Financing

Garden Brown is the former Prime Minister of which country ----- UK

Agni 5 missile was test fired------Odisha

By what percentage has the central government reduced the patent fee of educational institutions to promote research ----- up to 80%

In which state the development of Parshuram Kund has been planned ----- Arunachal Pradesh

Who has released the audio book "Jungle Mama" ----- Amitabh Ghosh

Whose book is "400 Days"----- Chetan Bhagat

In which state "IF Policy-2000" has been started----- Tripura

Elected as the President of Press Trust of India----- Aveek Sarkar

World's tallest EV charging station inaugurated ----- in Himachal Pradesh

Who will host the Junior Men's Hockey World Cup ----- Odisha

Friday, 24 September 2021

Current Affairs, 24-September-2021


China will be the first country to test a thorium-powered nuclear plant

Won the Award for Changemaker Award 2021----- Faroz Faiza Bithar

Firoz Faiza Bithar is a citizen of which country ----- Bangladesh

Which country's Prime Minister has received the SPG Progress Award ----- Bangladesh

The Prime Minister of Bangladesh is---- Sheikh Hasina

Recently which country has called back its ambassadors from 12 countries ----- Nepal

The name of the exercise between India and Nepal is ---- Surya Kiran

BPCL has partnered with which bank to launch contactless RuPay credit card ----- SBI

When was SBI established -----    1955

Where is the headquarters of SBI -----    Mumbai

Who is the present Chairman of SBI -----    Dinesh Kumar Khara

Accra, (Capital of Ghana) has been designated as UNESCO's World Book Capital for 2030

What is the full form of UNESCO------    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

When was UNESCO established------    16 November 1945

Where is the headquarters of UNESCO     ------    Peris, France

Who is the current President of UNESCO-------    Audrey Azoulay

Which state tops in terms of installed solar power capacity------ Rajasthan

Will make new Vice Chancellor of Delhi University ----- Yogesh Singh

Which freedom fighter has passed away recently------- Sushila

Sushila was a resident of which state----- Kerala

Anirudh Tiwari has been appointed as the new Chief Secretary of Punjab.

Which state is planning to set up radiation facility to boost agriculture export------ Andhra Pradesh

Who has become the highest-paid footballer in 2021----- Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo is the footballer of which country-------Portuguese

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Current Affairs, 22-September-2021


In which country the meeting of foreign ministers of SAARC countries has been canceled     ------     New York

What is the full form of SAARC    ------     South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

When was SAARC established     ------     8 December 1985

Where is the headquarter of SAARC     -----     Kathmandu, Nepal

Who is the President of SAARC     -----     Esala Ruwan Verakoon

ADB has projected India's growth rate to be at what percentage in the fiscal year 2022     ------     10%

ADB has approved $60 million loan to which country     -----     Nepal

What is the full form of ADB     -----     Asian Development Bank

Where is the headquarter of ADB     -----     in Manila, Philippines

When was ADB established     -----     19 December 1966

Which country has banned the broadcast of IPL    -------    Afghanistan

Norway Chess Open 2021 title won     -----     D Gukesh

Which country's "University of Florence" will offer a master's degree in coffee    -----     Italy

Which country has started military exercise with NATO     -----     Ukraine

Yogeshwar Sangwan has been appointed as the Ambassador of India to which country     -----     Paraguay

Sana Ramchand Gulwani has become the first Hindu woman civil servant of which country     -----     Pakistan

Which state's Kovalam beach has got Blue Flag certificate    ------     Tamil Nadu

Which state's Aden beach has got Blue Flag Certificate     -----     Puducherry

Which state's Shivrajpur beach was the first to get the Blue Flag Certificate     -----     Gujarat

Where will the first edition of "Himalayan Film Festival-2021" be held in    -----     Ladakh

A tea park is being set up in "Chaigaon" of which state    -------    Assam

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Digestive system in multicellular organisms (Grasshoppers)

Digestive system in multicellular organisms (Grasshoppers)

The grasshopper is a herbivore and it eats the leaves of plants. Special organs in its mouth are helpful in gnawing and swallowing food. 



Grasshopper is a multicellular organism and extracellular digestion is found in multicellular organisms. In this type of digestion, the digestion of food takes place outside the cell.

The three parts of the digestive system of grasshoppers are the Front Part, the Middle Part and the Back Part respectively.

1) Front Part:- Mouth, esophagus, pharynx, crop and gizzard come in the front part.

Crop:- One pair of salivary glands are found on either side of the crop.

Gizzards have thick walls, which are used to grind food.

2) Middle part:- The part from the gizzard to the small intestine is called the middle part.

Hepatic Sika:- In this 6 pairs of glands are found which open in the stomach. These are called "hepatic sicca". It secretes digestive juices.

3) Back part:- Small intestine, large intestine and rectum are called posterior part.

Malpighian ducts:- Innumerable thread-like ducts are found at the joint of the middle and posterior part, they are called "Malpizzin ducts", which is the excretory organ.

Small Intestine:- Absorption of digested food takes place in the small intestine.

Digestion Process:-

  • The leaves (food) eaten in the mouth by the locust are mixed with saliva from the salivary glands which makes it greasy. Some enzymes are also found in it which digest the starch.
  • Food from the mouth passes through the esophagus and is stored in the crop for a short time.
  • The food in the crop reaches the gizzard, where the food is crushed by its muscles.
  • The food from the gizzard reaches the stomach in which the digestive juice released from the hepatic sac mixes with it and digests the food.
  • Digested food is absorbed in the small intestine.
  • Proper food is stored in the large intestine, from where it is periodically expelled through the anus or through the rectum.

Current Affairs, 21-September-2021


Which country has topped the Global Innovation Index     -----     Switzerland

What is the rank of India in the Global Innovation Index     -----     46 th

Who has been honored with Ramkrishna Bajaj Award     -----     Gautam Adani

Who has become the 70th Chess Grandmaster of India    -----     Raja Ritwik

Who has become the brand ambassador of Fino Payment Bank     -----     Pankaj Tripathi

Who has become the brand ambassador of Fossil Group    -----     Kriti Sanon

Who has become the brand ambassador of TATA AIA Life Insurance    -----    Neeraj Chopra

Tianzhou-3 cargo spacecraft is launched by    -----     China

An honorary doctorate from Hindu University of America has been given to     -----     Anupam Kher

With whom CBSE has launched Space Challenge for school students     -----     ISRO

When was ISRO established     -----     15 August 1969

Where is the headquarter of ISRO     ----- Bangalore

Who is the current Chairman of ISRO     ----- K. Sivan

Who has been appointed by Facebook India as its head of public policy     -----     Rajeev Agarwal

Between which countries' navies "Samudra-Shakti" exercise has been organized     -----     India-Indonesia

Where is the exercise "Sea-Power" held    -----    Sunda Strait

Which is the fastest submergence city in the world     -----     Jakarta of Indonesia

Which state topped in "Food Security Index-2021"    -------    Gujarat

Monday, 20 September 2021

Current Affairs, 20-September-2021


Which state's ruling party and opposition have decided to run the government together ----- Nagaland

The opposition government of Nagaland has been named ----- United Democratic Alliance

Name of the Chief Minister of Nagaland is ----- Neiphiu Rio

Researchers of which country have created artificial skin like chameleon------ South Korea

The line separating "South Korea and North Korea"----- 38th Parallel

Who became the first winner of Bigg Boss OTT ----- Divya Aggarwal

Bigg Boss OTT was hosted by ----- Karan Johar

Who is the founder of bitcoin----- Satoshi Nakomoto

Statue of Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakomoto unveiled ----- in Budapest, Hungary

Which state government has declared a fish named "Kapoor Mashir" as the state fish ----- Sikkim

By which constitutional amendment Sikkim became the state of India ----- 36th

Manika Shyokand has been appointed as the Good Will Ambassador of which state for water conservation ----- Haryana

Which organization has released the report named "Building Urban Planning Capacity in India" ----- NITI Aayog

Which commission has suggested to build 500 healthy cities in the report titled "Building Urban Planning Capacity in India"------ NITI Aayog

What is the full form of NITI Aayog ----- National Institution for Transforming India

When was NITI Aayog established---- 1 January 2015

Who is the Chairman of NITI Aayog ----- Prime Minister (Narendra Modi)

Who is the Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog ----- Rajiv Kumar

Who is the CEO of NITI Aayog---- Amitabh Kant

Where is the headquarters of NITI Aayog ----- New Delhi

The new Chief Minister of Punjab    ----- Charanjit Singh Banni

Which state government has approved a bill to give 75% quota to local residents in private sector jobs ----- Jharkhand

Who has become the first woman excavation engineer of India ----- Shivani Meena

With whom has NITI Aayog partnered to provide free education in 112 aspirational districts of India----- BYJU'S

Sunday, 19 September 2021

History of Newspapers In India

 History of Newspapers In India

The history of news and newspapers begins with the entry of Europeans into India.

The Portuguese are credited with bringing the printing press to India.

In 1556 some clergy of Goa published the first book of India.

Thus the first printing press in India was established in Goa in 1556.

In 1684, the East India Company also established a printing press in India.

The credit for producing India's first newspaper went to James Augustus Hickey, who published the Bengal Gazette in 1780. Whose language was English.

But his press was confiscated due to criticism of the government.

{The first newspaper in India was attempted by a disgruntled servant of the Company, William Voltas in 1766, but failed.}

Hickey and Birkingham have an important place in the history of journalism. Both of them attracted journalists towards journalism by presenting examples of neutral journalism and independent writing.

Some other English newspapers were published during this period.

In Bengal -- Calcutta Carrier, Asiatic Mirror, Oriental Star.

In Madras -- Madras Career, Madras Gazette.

In Mumbai - Herald, Bombay Gazette etc.

In 1818 the British merchant James Silk Birkingham edited "The Calcutta General".

Birkingham was the first publisher to present the press as a reflection of the public. The modern form of the press is a product of Birkingham itself.

The first Indian-English newspaper was brought out in Kolkata in 1816 AD by Gangadhar Bhattacharya under the name---- Bengal Gazette. "It was the weekly newspaper."

The first Bengali language newspaper was published in 1818 AD under the leadership of Marshman ------Director. It was a monthly paper, which proved to be short-lived.

In 1821, a "weekly newspaper" in Bengali language ----- Samvad Kaumudi was published. This newspaper was managed by Raja Rammohun Roy.

Raja Rammohan Roy published the newspaper ------ Chandrika in March 1822 as a protest against social and religious ideas.

Apart from this in Persian language ----- Miratul newspaper and

Published ------ Brahmanical magazine in English language.

In 1830 AD, with the efforts of Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Dwarkanath Tagore and Prasanna Kumar Tagore, the publication of Bangdoot in Bengali language started.

From Bombay in 1831 AD in Gujarati language ------ Jame Jamshed and

In 1851 AD -------- Raast Goftar and Newspaper Saudagar were published.

Status of Newspapers in India after 1857:-

After the revolt of 1857-58, newspapers in India have been divided on the basis of race rather than on linguistic basis.

  •         English Newspapers and
  •         Indian newspapers

There was a difference between English newspapers and Indian newspapers.

While English newspapers had more facilities than Indian newspapers, Indian newspapers were banned.

After the revolt of 1857, there was an unprecedented increase in the number of Indian newspapers.

Now he became more vocal and critical of the government.

At the same time, due to the great famine, about 60 lakh people became the losers of Kaal.

On the other hand, on the Delhi Durbar held in Delhi in January, 1877, the government spent extravagantly. As a result, Indian newspapers started spewing fire against Lytton's imperialist tendencies.

In 1878, by "The Vernacular Press Act, 1878", Litton wanted to take direct control of Indian newspapers.

The newspapers had no right of appeal in the court under this act.

The Vernacular Press Act is also known as the "Cursing of the Mouth Act".

This act destroyed the independence of Indian newspapers.

The Vernacular Press Act was introduced targeting the popular and important newspaper Som Prakash. In other words, this rule could apply only to Som Prakash.

To avoid Litton's Vernacular Press Act, the Amrit Bazar Patrika (newspaper) which was in Bengali language was converted to English.

This act was repealed by Lord Ripon in 1882 AD.

Newspapers due to the partition of Bengal:-

Due to the unrest in the country due to the partition of Bengal by Lord Curzon and the growing influence of the extremists of the Indian National Congress, the criticism of the government by the newspapers increased.

To deal with this situation, the government implemented the Newspaper Act of 1908.

It was provided in this act that the printing press and property of the newspaper, which would inspire violence and murder, would be confiscated.

By this act, cases were prosecuted against 9 newspapers and the press of 7 were confiscated.

In the Indian Newspapers Act of 1910 AD, it was arranged that the publisher of this newspaper would have to give at least ₹ 500 and not more than ₹ 2000 as registration security to the local government.

Even after this, the government will have the right to terminate the registration and confiscate the security and for the second registration, the government will have the right to have a security deposit of ₹ 1000 to ₹ 10000.

Even after this, if the newspaper publishes any objectionable material edited in the eyes of the government, then the government will have the right to terminate its registration and confiscate all the copies.

Press Inquiry Committee:-

In 1921, a "Press Inquiry Committee" was appointed under the chairmanship of Tej Bahadur Sapru. Acts of 1908 and 1910 AD were abolished on the suggestions of the committee.

To suppress the Civil Disobedience Movement :-

The Press Act of 1910 was re-enforced by the "Indian Press Emergency Act" in 1931.

With this the "Criminal Amendment Act" or the Criminal Amendment Act was implemented by expanding the Act of 1931.

This act gave more power to the government to suppress the civil disobedience movement launched by Gandhiji.

In 1947, the Government of India established the Press Inquiry Committee, which reviewed the laws related to the press.

Restrictions on newspapers:-

1) The Censorship Of The Press Act in 1799 AD

2) The Licensing Regulations Act Of -1823 was implemented by John Adams in 1823 AD.

"The Miratul newspaper of Raja Rammohun Roy was closed due to the ban on the newspaper by Adams.

3) In 1878 AD, by The Vernacular Press Act, 1878, he wanted to take Indian newspapers under direct control.

This act destroyed the independence of Indian newspapers.

The Vernacular Press Act was introduced targeting the popular and important newspaper Som Prakash. In other words, this rule could apply only to Som Prakash.

4) In the Indian Newspapers Act of 1910 AD, it was arranged that the publisher of this newspaper would have to give at least ₹ 500 and not more than ₹ 2000 as registration security to the local government.

Even after this, the government will have the right to terminate the registration and confiscate the security and for the second registration, the government will have the right to have a security deposit of ₹ 1000 to ₹ 10000.

Even after this, if the newspaper publishes any objectionable material edited in the eyes of the government, then the government will have the right to terminate its registration and confiscate all the copies.

5) The Press Act of 1910 was re-enforced by the "Indian Press Emergency Act" in 1931.

With this the "Criminal Amendment Act" or the Criminal Amendment Act was implemented by expanding the Act of 1931.

Freedom of press:-

Lord William Bentinck was the first Governor General to adopt a liberal approach to freedom of the press.

Acting Governor General Charles Metcalf liberated newspapers by removing the 1823 (The Licensing Regulations Act of -1823) ban.

Therefore, Charles Metcalf is also called the liberator of Indian newspapers.

Macaulay also supported freedom of the press.

Analysis of newspapers and history makes it clear that while administrators like Wellesley, Minto, Lord Adams, Lord Canning, Lord Lytton suppressed the freedom of the press, on the other hand Bentinck, Lord Hastings, Charles Metcalf, Macaulay and Administrators like Lord Ripon supported freedom of the press.

Christodas Pal, the editor of "Hindu Patriot", is called the "prince" of Indian journalism.

Macaulay also supported freedom of the press.

Analysis of newspapers and history makes it clear that while administrators like Wellesley, Minto, Lord Adams, Lord Canning, Lord Lytton suppressed the freedom of the press, on the other hand Bentinck, Lord Hastings, Charles Metcalf, Macaulay and Administrators like Lord Ripon supported freedom of the press.

Christodas Pal, the editor of "Hindu Patriot", is called the "prince" of Indian journalism.

Powers and Functions of Governor

 Powers and Functions of Governor


Just as the executive power of the Center is vested in the President, similarly the executive power of the State is vested in the Governor. Following are the powers and functions of the Governor:-

            1. Executive Powers

            2. Legislative Powers

            3. Power to issue ordinances

            4. Financial Rights

            5. Judicial Powers

            6. Privilege

1. Executive Powers:- According to Article 154, the executive powers with the Governor are as follows:-

    a) The governor is the head of the administration of the state government and exercises the executive power of the state through officers subordinate to him. He makes rules regarding the functioning of the government and divides the work among the ministers.

    b) How the Governor appoints the Chief Minister and the members of his Council of Ministers and administers them the oath of office and secrecy.

    c) The Governor appoints the high officials of the State such as the Advocate General, the Chairman and members of the State Public Service Commission and advises the President regarding the appointment of the Judges of the High Court of the State.

    d) It is the right of the Governor to obtain information from the Chief Minister regarding the administration of the State.

    e) When the administration of the state cannot be carried out according to the constitutional machinery, the Governor recommends to the President the imposition of President's rule in the state. When President's rule is imposed in the state, the governor runs the administration of the state as the superintendent of the central government.

    f) The Governor is the Chancellor of the State Universities and also appoints the Deputy Chancellors.

2. Legislative Powers:- Article 174 gives legislative powers to the Governor. The Governor is an integral part of the State Legislature and has the following powers in relation to the Legislature:-

    a) He can summon, adjourn the session of the State Legislature and dissolve the State Legislative Assembly.

    b) If a question of the qualification of a member of the State Legislative Assembly arises, the dispute regarding qualification shall be determined by the Governor in consultation with the Election Commission.

    c) He addresses the first session of the Legislature beginning after the general general election and the first of every year and can send his message to the Houses.

    d) He signs a bill passed by the State Legislature and after the Governor's signature, the Bill enters into force as an Act.

    e) A Money Bill can be introduced in the State Legislative Assembly only when the Governor has given his assent to introduce the Bill.

    f) The Governor can send a Bill other than a Money Bill to the State Legislature for reconsideration and he is bound to give his assent to the Bill when the State Legislature passes it.

    g) The annual reports of various commissions, higher and autonomous institutions are submitted to the Governor and he presents them before the State Legislative Assembly for consideration.

    h) The Governor may reserve certain types of MLAs for the consideration of the President, such as:- i) Bills relating to compulsory acquisition of personal property,

            ii) the Bill relating to the reduction of the jurisdiction of the High Court,

            iii) a Bill relating to the taxation of a commodity declared essential under a law made by Parliament,

            iv) Bills relating to subjects mentioned in the Concurrent List (when there is a possibility of conflict with a law made by Parliament)

            v) any other Bill likely to cause dispute with the Central Government or the Government of other States

3. Power to issue ordinances: - According to Article 213, when the State Legislature or the State Legislative Assembly is not in session and it is necessary to make laws on any of the matters mentioned in the State List contained in the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution, the Governor on the advice of the Council of Ministers can issue an ordinance.

The Ordinance so issued remains effective only for 6 months and if the State Legislature or State Legislature is in session before the expiry of the period of 6 months, the Ordinance must be approved by the Legislature or Vidhan Sabha within 6 weeks and if If not approved within 6 weeks, the ordinance will become ineffective.

4. Financial Powers:- The following powers have been provided to the Governor by the Constitution

        a) According to Article 161(1), a Money Bill cannot be introduced in the State Legislative Assembly without the recommendation of the Governor.

        b) According to Article 203(3), expenditure from the Contingency Fund of the State cannot be done without the permission of the Governor.

        c) According to Article 202, the Governor through the Finance Minister of the State presents the annual budget of the State in the State Legislative Assembly.

        d) Any kind of demand for grants or proposal for taxes is introduced in the Legislative Assembly only with the approval of the Governor.

5. Judicial Powers:- The following are the judicial powers of the Governor--

        a) According to Article 233, the Governor decides on matters relating to the appointment, transfer and promotion of District Judges and other judicial officers. (The Governor exercises this power in consultation with the High Court)

        b) According to Article 161, the Governor has the power to pardon or suspend or delay the offenses convicted by the Court. (but this power may be exercised by him to the extent to which the executive power of the State extends)

6. Privileges:- The following special powers have been given to the Governor by the Constitution--

    a) Appointment of Chief Minister :- According to Article 161 the Chief Minister is appointed by the Governor.

Generally, the Governor appoints the Chief Minister who is the leader of the majority party in the Legislative Assembly or who has the support of several parties to get the majority.

    b) Appointment of the Council of Ministers:- The Governor also appoints other members of the Council of Ministers on the advice of the Chief Minister.

    c) Dissolution of the Council of Ministers:- The Governor has the power to dissolve the Council of Ministers. The Governor can dissolve the Council of Ministers in the following situations------

            i) When the Governor is convinced that the Council of Ministers no longer has a majority in the Legislative Assembly

            ii) When the Assembly passes a no-confidence motion against the Council of Ministers and the Council of Ministers does not resign

            iii) When the Council of Ministers is not functioning as per the provisions of the Constitution or the policies of the Council of Ministers are likely to cause harm to the nation or there is a possibility of conflict with the Center

            iv) When an independent tribunal has found the Chief Minister to be indulging in corruption after an inquiry

    d) Calling a session of the Legislative Assembly:- The Governor calls the meeting of the Legislative Assembly on the advice of the Chief Minister, but if extraordinary circumstances arise, the Governor can forget the special session of the Legislative Assembly.

    e) Dissolution of the Legislative Assembly:- Normally the Governor dissolves the Assembly only on the advice of the Chief Minister, but in some special circumstances he can dissolve the Assembly without the advice of the Chief Minister.

    f) Permitting Chief Minister to be prosecuted:- The Governor may allow legal proceedings to be taken against a serving or former Chief Minister if he is involved in corruption or in any conspiracy or criminal act.

Current Affairs, 19-september-2021



Who has been appointed by the United Nations as the Advocate for Sustainable Development Goals    ----     Kailash Satyarthi

When was the United Nations established     -----     24 October 1945

Where is the headquarters of the United Nations     -----     In New York

The current President of the United Nations     -----     Antonio Guterres

Antonio Guterres is a citizen of which country     -----     Portuguese

Who has become the brand ambassador of "Hyparis"     -----     Virat Kohli

Which company has launched co-innovation space with Google Cloud     -----     Wipro

To boost connectivity between India and which country, the new passenger terminal building has been inaugurated in Petrapole     -----     Bangladesh

Name of the exercise between India-Bangladesh     -----     Sampriti

Who has decided to close the Ease of Doing Business    -----    World Bank

When was the World Bank established     -----     1944

The headquarter of the World Bank is    -----     Washington DC

The current President of the World Bank is     -----     David Malpass

Who has launched the PRAGATI salt app     -----     LIC

Who has been elected as the new President of ICAO     -----     Shefali Juneja

Full form of ICAO     -----    International Civil Aviation Organization

Between which countries will the 15th edition of Surya Kiran exercise be held from 20 September 2021     -----     India-Nepal

Which state has got the GI tag of "Sirarakhong Chilli" and "Tamenglong Orange"     -----     Manipur

Which is the best police station in India     -----        Nongpoksekmai police station of Manipur

At which place the 15th edition of Surya Kiran Yudhabhyas will be held in     -----    Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand

India's 61st Software Technology Park has been opened in    -----     Nagaland

Saturday, 18 September 2021

Art & Architecture Of Gupta period

Art & Architecture Of Gupta period

During the Gupta period, unprecedented progress is seen in various arts such as:- Vastu, architecture, painting, pottery-art etc. Next we will know them with different examples.


The highest examples of Indian architecture were the then temples. The art of temple building is born from here.

The temples of this time were built on a high platform. Stairs were made all around to climb the platforms.

The idols of the deities were placed in the sanctum sanctorum and a covered circumambulatory passage was constructed around the sanctum.

In Gupta temples, the figures of Ganga, Yamuna, Shankh and Padma were made on the sides (edges).

The umbrellas of Gupta temples were usually made flat, but the remains of the construction of temples with spire have been found.

Gupta temples were built with small bricks and stones. The temple of Bhitargaon is built from bricks only.

The best example of Gupta temple art is the Dashavatara temple of Deogarh. The Gupta architecture is seen in its fully developed form in that temple.


Dashavatara Temple Of Deogarh

These temples are studded with beautiful sculptures. These include peeping figures, flying animals and birds, sacred trees, swastikas, flower-leaf designs, idols of lovers and dwarves undoubtedly captivate the mind.

As a specialty of this temple, the 12 meter high peak in it can probably be ignored.

Perhaps the shikhar was or was the first use in temple construction.

Compared to one mandapa of other temples, this temple of Dashavatara uses 4 mandalas.

Buddhist Deva Temple:-

These temples are found in Sanchi and Bodh Gaya.

Apart from this, in two Buddhist stupas, one Dhamek Stupa of Sarnath which is built by bricks whose height is about 128 feet.

Dhamek Stupa

Second Rajgriha's Jarasangh meeting is of great importance.

Jarasangh meeting

Sculpture :-

The best aspect of Gupta art is its sculpture.

Most of their idols are related to Hindu gods and goddesses. The Kushan period nudity and sexuality had completely disappeared in the sculptures of Gupta art.

The Gupta sculptors started the use of clothes in the idols to hide the physical attractiveness.

Among the Buddha statues of the Gupta period, the sitting Buddha statue of Sarnath, the standing Buddha statue in Mathura and the bronze Buddha statue of Sultanganj are noteworthy. An attempt has been made to show the calm conscious posture of Mercury in these sculptures.



In which period the idols of Kurmavahini Yamuna and Makarvahini Ganga were built?

The 1 Mukhi and Chaturmukhi Shivling of Lord Shiva was first constructed in the Gupta period itself.

The Ardhanarishvara form of Shiva was also created during the Gupta period.

The famous idol of Vishnu is installed in the Dashavatar temple of Deogarh.

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Architecture :-

The brick temples of Bhirgaon in Kanpur, Inner Ghazipur and Deorgarh in Jhansi are noteworthy.

Bhitargaon Temple

The Hindu art of the Gupta Empire of the early 5th century is displayed in dramatic form at Udayagiri in Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh.

Here the monument of Varaha Avatar of Lord Vishnu is meaningful in which he saves Mother Earth from deep and cataclysmic waters. It has a similar feeling of power and majesty to the boar of Lord Varaha.

Painting :-

Painting had reached a high peak during the Gupta period.

In the Kamasutra, the information about painting under 64 arts has also been said to be necessary for an elite person (citizen).

The best examples of painting in the Gupta period come from the Ajanta caves located in Aurangabad in Maharashtra and the Bagh caves near Gwalior.


Ajanta Caves

अजंता के चित्र

अजंता के चित्र

अजंता की गुफाएं

अजंता की गुफाएं

Of the total 29 caves built at Ajanta, at present only 6 caves (1,2, 9,10,16, 17) are left.

Cave number 16 and 17 itself are of Gupta period. Ajanta's paintings hold first place in the world in technical terms.

The work of decoration of various types of flowers, leaves, trees and animal figures of these caves and the work of depicting the statues of Mercury and Bodhisattva has been used as a descriptive scene of stories taken from the Jataka texts.

This painting is mostly of Jataka tales. A feature of Ajanta painting is that the scenes in these paintings are not divided into different configurations.

Before painting, the wall was thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned and then a coating was applied on it.

Appreciating the painting of the dying princess in Ajanta Cave No. 16, Griffith Varg and Ferguson said that it is irreversible in the history of painting in terms of compassion and telling its story clearly.

Cave number 16 was donated to the Buddhist Sangha by Varaha Mantri, the ruler of the Vakataka dynasty.

The painting of cave number 17 is called Chitrashala. It was built by a feudatory named Harishena.

The birth of Buddha in this Chitrashala is related to the events of Mahabhinishkraman and Mahaparinirvana.

 In this cave there is a grand statue of Buddha's Mahaparinirvana, with many goddess musicians at the top and their sad followers at the bottom.

The Ajanta Caves are related to Mahayan Buddhism.

Paintings Of Bagh Caves:-

The tiger caves have been made by cutting the Vindhya mountain near Gwalior, located at a place called Bagh, in 1818 AD, Dangerfield discovered these caves. The themes of the tiger cave paintings are related to the cosmic life of man. The pictures of music and dance obtained from here are most attractive.


                       Bagh Caves


The Gupta period is considered the golden age of Sanskrit literature.

According to Barnett, the Gupta period has the same importance in the history of ancient India as that of the Periclean people in the history of Greece.

Smith compared the Gupta period with the Elizabeth and Stuart periods of British history.

The Gupta period is considered to be the period of the best poets. In this period the poets are divided into two parts:-

1) Those ever come in the first part, about which we get information from the records, although we do not know about any of their works. Eg :- Harishena, Shav (Virsen), Vatsabhatti and Vasul come.

2) In the second part come those poets whose works we have knowledge about such as:- Kalidas, Bharavi, Bhatti, Matrugupta, Bhartrishreshtha, Vishnu Sharma etc.

Harishena:- composed the Prayag pillar inscription for Samudragupta. Genre of Writing :- Champu Style (Prose-mixed)

Shaw (Virsen):- The only source of information about the poetic style of Shava is the inscription on the wall of the Udayagiri cave. On the basis of the article, it is believed that Shav was a scholar of grammar, justice and politics and was a resident of Pataliputra.

Vatsa Bhatti: - Information about his poetic style is found from the pillar article of Mandsaur of Malav Samvat.

There are a total of 44 verses in this article, in which the Surya has been praised in the first three.

Vasul :- Mandsaur Prashasti was composed during the time of Yashovardhana. This poem of total 9 verses is a unique example of best poetry.

Kalidas :- The important works of this great poet of Sanskrit literature are:-

Ritusanhara, Meghadootam, Kumarasambhavam and Raghunath epics.

Kalidasa's best work is his play Abhigyan Shakuntalam.

Apart from these, he also composed the drama Malavikagnimitram, Vikramorvasyam.

Bharavi:- The epic Kiratarjuniyam composed by him is based on the festival of Mahabharata. It has a total of 18 cantos.

Bhatti:- The devotional poetry composed by him is also called Ravana Vadh. Based on the story of Ramayana, this poem has a total of 22 sections and 1624 verses.

Matrugupta:- Information about this comes from Kalhana's Rajatarangini. It was based on the Natyashastra of Bharata.

Vishnu Sharma:- 250 different versions have come out in about 50 languages ​​of the world in the Poetry Panchatantra composed by him. Panchatantra is counted second only to the world's most famous book, the Bible. By the end of the sixteenth century this treatise had been translated into Greek, Spanish, German and English.

आर्यों के विजय होने के कारण

-:आर्यों के विजय होने के कारण:-   आर्यों के विजय होने के निम्नलिखित कारण रहा:-                      1)  घोड़े चालित रथ,                      ...